Pappu Kumar Pashi

Ex-Intern @jpmorgan Chase & Co. | TCV Intern @Deloitte | 3x Google Comp. | MIE @microsoft | Data Science Intern | Research Intern @Nit Dgp

West Bengal, India
Available for hire

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

My Github-Developer-Pages and Other websites stuffs
HTML 0 0
A simple way to Transform money between people
React with Redux to build a “Would You Rather?” game.
JavaScript 0 0
Developed a web app that allows for the selection and categorisation of books the user has read, is reading and wants to read as an assessed project within Udacity's React Nanodegree
JavaScript 0 0
Udacity challenge for the coffee shop Full stack project Work
TypeScript 0 0
React Multi Form Using Material-UI
JavaScript 0 0
In This Repo I am going to be using react-redux which now offers a few new tools that easily integrate with react hooks, such as useSelector and useDispatch.
JavaScript 0 0
MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack by building an exercise tracker application
JavaScript 1 0

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.


Web design